
Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year’s Clean Up

By Terrie Vickers

Now that the New Year is beckoning we should take time to do one of what I call life’s necessary evils.

1. Go to your tack room and trailer. Gather up all your bridles and halters and let's begin.
2. Gather up some leather cleaner and conditioner, old rags, and a little brush(I like old tooth brushes because they can get in little places.)
3. Also grab a screwdriver and some pliers you will need these to take your bridles and halters apart.
4. And the most important a good movie and some chocolate. This make the job go faster.

Now let’s get started:
1. I like to start by taking the bridle apart and then cleaning them.
2. Then you want to inspect and check for any thing that should be fixed or replaced take care of this now. Don't forget the bit! It is so important check it for any damage that could hurt your horse.
3. Condition your leather and put the headstall back together and if you chose not to take them apart be sure to tighten all the screws.
4. Check your chin strap for wear.
5. Check your reins for any weak places & if you have buckles check them. Also, I like to spray mine with a little W-D 40 to keep from sticking.
6. Try to involve the kids. It’s good for them and won't kill them
7. Now pat yourself on the back.


  1. What good advice. You forgot to add that a group of rodeo moms could make it even better!

  2. You mean I can't just use it till it breaks?!

    This is a great reminder.

  3. This is all great advice something else that helps with the screws is to put fingernail polish on them and screw them down tight. It keeps them from loosening up when you are riding but you are still able to take them apart with a little elbow grease when you want or need to change the headstall or bit out. Lots of help from the kids and good friends around while you are doing this always makes it funner and makes the time go by a lot faster! Thanks for the reminder!
