Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Feeding Our Child Athletes

by Teresa Fackrell

Most of the time we may not see our kids as the athletes that they are.  We might make sure that our horses have the best nutrition including supplements but do we do the same for our kids.  Several of you may say you provide the right nutrition.  But I have been to too many rodeos to see the snacks and foods parents are handing their kids.

Most parents are handing their kids sodas, crackers, cookies, candy, rodeo burgers, nachos and a myriad of other junk.  These are all empty calories and do nothing to build the body of an athlete.  They may provide a temporary energy boost but there is always the sugar crash.  On top of the overload of sugar in soda, it also reduces your endurance and strips vital nutrients from your body.  Crackers, cookies and chips do not provide any of the essential nutrients your body needs to get stronger.  

In order to be in top athletic shape our kids needs to eat like an athlete.  It is important that they get the proper nutrition to focus and perform.  They need lean protein for sustainable energy and to build muscle.  They need fruits and vegetables to get all of the essential nutrients. Adding in nuts, seeds or the good oils like olive, coconut and flaxseed will give them the Omega 3s they need for their brain to be functioning optimally.  

Yes it will take some time to plan meals, cook the right things and pack nutritious food.  It is time well spent when your kids bodies are performing well.  Plan to give them what they need and not what they want. 

You can follow a few simple rules to make sure they are getting the nutrition they need.
1) Make sure they are getting 3 servings of lean protein everyday.  Eggs, whey protein shakes, turkey, chicken or beef are good choices.  Lean means not breaded or deep fried.
2) Try to get in 4-6 servings of fruits and vegetables.  Add a banana to a breakfast smoothie, make a veggie omelette, replace the potato chips with some raw veggies as a snack, give them an apple instead of a cookie,  or choose a salad instead of a potato for dinner.  A good rule for veggies and fruits is to eat a rainbow everyday.  The different colors provide different nutrients.
3) Add in some healthy oils.  Get a bag of raw nuts for traveling or make your own trail mix without all the sugar.  Cook with healthy oils like olive or coconut.  Make your own salad dressing with olive oil and spices.  

It may take some planning and work but your kids are worth it!

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