Now, for the scariest part of all!! How are you going to afford rodeo queening? Start off slow! You only need a few basics (contest rules will tell you specifics). No matter what the contest requirements are you can build an amazing wardrobe around a few nice basic pieces.
First, I suggest choosing one main color. For example, even now at a national level when we travel my daughter usually only takes a black hat, black boots, and outfits that will match. And she is not the only one. If you ask any of the rodeo queens who are doing a lot of travel most of them will tell you the same thing. If it is good enough for Miss Rodeo America, it is certainly good enough for your daughter starting out. The most important thing is to make sure that the clothes are clean and fit, your hat is blocked, and your boots and belt are polished. Start small and then build.
Last, remember this is supposed to be fun. Make sure that it is. Don’t let the stress take the fun out of rodeo queening. Start small and build up. You wouldn’t expect your daughter to enter much less win a professional barrel race her first run, don’t expect any different from queening.
Also, remember you can learn as much, and sometimes more, when you don’t when as when you do. So heads up, smiles on, and go armed with confidence and a can of hairspray because if you and your daughter are dedicated there is a way to make the dream of becoming a rodeo queen a reality.
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