Do you ever have experiences that make you realize how blessed you really are and what you really have. Today, I attended a Veterans Day Program at our elementary school. They paid tribute to all of the great men and women who have fought and died for our freedoms. I pondered and realized that because of them I have this wonderful lifestyle. I get the opportunity to ride horses, raise cattle, rodeo, and live a life some only dream about. While chatting with my husband he said, "the one thing I love about rodeo is that we still pay tribute to GOD and our Country." This is so true whether it is at our local rodeo, National Little Britches, or the National Finals. We always began with a Prayer and The National Anthem. This is usually followed with or includes paying tribute to our Veterans. I would Love to say, "THANK YOU" to all the men, women, and their families who have fought, are fighting, and have died so that I can live in this free Land and live the lifestyle we love so much.
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